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Close Programs, Create System Snapshot & Restore Open Programs Quickly

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We often have to close all open programs while installing another as it may conflict but closing them one by one and then opening them back to get current state of system is difficult. Solution is to create System snapshot and Restore quickly.
Smart Close is a freeware utility which can create snapshot of current state of system and close all the programs automatically. If in case, some processes are unable to close then Smart Close uses Smart Kill.
Smart Close and Restore
Besides closing programs, SmartClose also closes Explorer and Internet Explorer windows and saves their current location, so they can be restored properly later.
Smart Close and Restore
Smart Close consists of two Wizards namely ” Close Program Wizard” and “Restore Program Wizard”
When the task is finished (installing is done) you can restore the previous state will the your open programs as they were using Restore Wizard. Browse the snapshot file you saved and everything will be as it was.
Another use of this program can be saving the state of running Game so that you can handover to someone to continue.

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